Beasts of Myths
Ano/Turma – 6.º B
Coordenadora – Carla Oliveira
Os principais objetivos deste projeto são aprender sobre as diferentes culturas dos países envolvidos, desenvolver a língua inglesa (que será a língua utilizada no projeto), desenvolver o uso de ferramentas da WEB 2.0 e conhecer algumas criaturas dos mitos.
Welcome to Beasts of Myths
Our Partners are from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey!
Beast Hunters and their Schools
Dear Parents
1. You can click on the following link to find out who we are:
2. You can read the following easy-guide to help you browse around twinspace. The guide was created by Maria Riga:
3. You can have a closer look at our schools and more information about them at the following google map link. The map was originally created by Letizia Verona and enriched by all partners:
Dear Partners
You can click on the following link to find a tutorial created by Ivona Jercovic which presents how you can add your school in a google map:
1 – Logótipo vencedor do projeto
2 – Apresentação da professora
3 – Apresentação dos alunos
4 – A nossa Netiqueta
5 – A nossa enciclopédia sobre o termo “Besta”
6 – The partners of the eTwinning project “Beasts of Myths” have created e-books. The booklets showed the names of mythological monsters, synonyms, and sayings and proverbs where monsters are mentioned. Students voiced in their native language and in English.
7- Sudents’ Monster Portraits
8 – European Family of Friendly Beasts Calendar 2023